Monday, March 10, 2008

One week down and done!

Well, I have completed one week of my new job and I am pretty sure I will enjoy it.

Yesterday was my first day doing an 8 hr shift and today I was exhausted! Fortunately, as I am going doing pt, so those sort of hours will be infrequent. Can't imagine how these young mums do 8 hrs on their feet all day and then deal with kids and the house. Makes me really appreciate the fact I have been a stay at home mum, although I wasn't planning on it being this long.

I am now pretty proficient on finishing up a frame now and yesterday finished off 5 or 6 frames. I could have done more but my supervisor was taking a huge order. So whilst I waited I played around with the cutting arm with scraps of foam board and glass. The foam was good but the glass I need more practice. The one thing I don't like is using an bare blade for cutting especially once a foam board has been dry mounted with a print. My fingers are too soft! No doubt they will harden up with time but on yesterday try, I think a 5 yr old could have done better, the edges were so ragged! Fortunately, I had managed to cut outside the line so my supervisor was able to clean things up when I shouted Help!

Anyway, better get going, need to shop and vacuum the carpet before I go into work tonight.


Middle Child said...

I am so pleased for you Jacqui...its not easy once over 40 to get jobs, but to get one which makes you happy...thats excellent.