Sunday, November 04, 2007

Good weekend so far

although Gordon and I had a disagreement this afternoon where he has ended up making me feel guilty again. I can't go into details but basically if I was earning some money I would not be feeling guilty about the plans I have been making in the last couple of weeks. Because he is the only person earning money, he most definitely has an upper hand in the guilt corner and he knows it.

Anyway as I said I've had a great weekend up to this point so I will try not to let it ruin it. On Friday, we went out to Austin for the evening to meet up with some friends who are currently residing in New York State. The best part of the evening was that Elisabeth and Alan joined us as they hadn't seen Lesley and Niall in several years. Alan being 20, obviously, couldn't drink but at least he was able to join us, as so many bars in Austin don't allow under 21's in. Elisabeth was in her element, as she is now 22 and for the first time was able to buy her Dad a beer. Gordon was enjoying himself as he was able to drink because I have made a weird discovery, I actually prefer not to drink whilst out, so there is no need in the future to worry who was driving. Of course I could had a drink or 2 because Alan was there but I really didn't want to drink.

Yesterday was another glorious day, the weather here has been brilliant for the last few weeks and I love living here when it likes this. Unfortunately, that only happens in the late Autumn and early Spring:(. Anyway, early afternoon, we made our way to the Austin Celtic Festival where American dress up in kilts, tartans sashes for the ladies and do Irish dancing whilst the local Celtic people gape in wonderment.

The had re-enactments of gladiator fights, Celts fighting the Romans and all sorts of people just wandering around as if they had just stepped out of a Medieval story book tale. I really don't get this notion of dressing up and reclaiming your heritage but then maybe I am just a sourpuss.

The main reason we go there is to hear the excellent music that is on the 3 stages throughout the venue.

The Silver Thistle Pipe and Drums Band

the smaller stage with the Patrick Street group


Papoosue said...

Hi Jacqui, thanks for your comments on the blog. On the subject of the mammogram, my doc referred me and I got the appointment very quickly indeed - must have only waited about 10 days or so, and then I had the results the following week - I must admit I was impressed it was so quick.

Looks like you had a good time at that festival. I can just imagine listening to all that good music in the open air - hmmm jealous.....

Jacqui said...

We had a great time. Austin at this time of year is great I must admit, lots of bands performing outside and the temps dropping down nicely. Just a pity its so hot in the summer :(

Middle Child said...

We have Celtic festivals over here my old home town of Aberdeen and at Glen Innes...maybe I will get to one oneday. You enjoyed it??