Sunday, February 11, 2007

remembered end of Dream from this morning.

I had done a piece of art work which I realised was really good but as I was trying to show it to someone, I lost it. I looked all over for it, people were helping me but it was lost. Everyone was really sad as they knew how important this was to me as I had thought my talent to be creative was lost forever. Just as we were giving up, the phone rang. Also as I heard the phone go off, I thought "maybe it had got caught up with someone else who had already left." On the phone was the person I thought had my work and she said she would send it back. I was delighted and everyone cheered.

As I continue my haze of good feelings, I came across a small family. In the middle of the small family was a baby. Somehow I knew the family had been sad as the Baby had been taken from them and on its return refused to accept them as its family. I asked to pick up the Baby and at the same time asked them why they were so happy. They explained at first the Baby wouldn't talk to them and shunned them but today she woke up and recognised her mother. The baby's mother was facing us and I asked the baby where was mummy was. With a big smile she pointed to the Mother and said "mummy". The crowd us around collapse with joy and I woke up with a huge smile on face.

Thank goodness a happy dream to report.


Anonymous said...

I have a journal now, for my poems etc.